It has become the trend. People who are into relationships start claiming that there is a soulmate created for them. to marry.

This took me to the journey of searching and in the process,. I was privy to watching a matchmaking program. where one of the participants after marriage, about how she feels in the marriage so far. she responded by saying she believed the person. she had a broken relationship with me earlier. is her soulmate. and that this new marriage will take some time before she can accept and settle in. whereas the husband is ready to show total commitment to the marriage. This is a tragedy because it has become a struggle or called it a web.

It is the opinion of believers of soulmates. That it is that person created for you that you can hear each other silent thoughts. it is down to one person. it is that one person in the wor.ld that you are to be with. Some believed they had met with the person and they have missed it, this is so painful.

How on earth could that be? will the creator of the universe and who made us in His image will be cruel to have done this to His handmade? Cause so much chaos in our lives in the name of SOULMATE. Our GOD IS LOVE. He is the PRINCE OF PEACE and not the author of confusion.

Another school of thought believed they had met with the person and lost the person. Some chose to settle for another person because they do not want to be lonely. for economic reasons, or want to have a family. With this soulmate arrangement. The partners believed they were incomplete bliss with one another. when you meet your soulmate you will feel it. You should do whatever possible within your power to end up together. This got me scared. I have seen where a partner will take advantage of each other. Begins to dominate and control the life of the other.

The thought of not being able to trace the soul partner. Drive people to make decisions that are very irrational. A desperate partner could fall prey to another. who uses the situation to meet its domineering act. Asking you to change your core beliefs. You do not want to miss out on this once in a lifetime experience that you think you enter into.

Another school of thought believed soulmates must have connections immediately. when you enter a room you must feel it. Your eyes must meet. you must have a strong kick start from the beginning. These are some of the characteristics the soulmate must-have. For all these unhealthy reasons people stayed in abusive and toxic relationships. Soulmate believers. Also conclude at times that their partner might be engaging in another. and you start wondering if there is a chance of them.

The word soulmate is the wrong string that holds everything together. You cannot function without it. There is this belief that a true soulmate is like a mirror reflecting back to you. the aspects within yourself that are holding you back from being your true self.

I will rather tell you to love yourself. let your peace not rely on any man, be truthful to yourself. Find your spirituality in Christ Jesus, I will keep in perfect peace whose heart stayed on me. Isaiah 26:3. Your joy, peace, goals, and aspiration, being honest with yourself should not be by another. You do not need someone else's approval to feel good. There are no two lives that are indispensable to another. you are you, created by God in his image and after His likeness. Rather than looking for a soulmate to have relationships with. See the angle of a good friendship. Developing a healthy relationship should start with being friends.

There is a soap opera FRIENDS. that have been in existence on television programs for so many years. The cast acted out as being friends that shared an apartment and neighborhood. They are into each other's lives so much that they share success, pains, joy. They are in each other's space. learning to respect and live their lives as an individual different from another. Yet loving each other and accepting each difference. In some of the episodes, you will see them going into relationships and getting married. These are actors acting our day to day life activities. To show us that our soul connects when we allow each person to be unique. Accept one another as we are with the hope of being a good influence.

The relationship works better when we grow from being friends to best friends. when we are comfortable around each other. where I do not tiptoe around you so as not to offend my soulmate that comes once in a lifetime.

Friendship should be that we are able to tell each other anything. being honest in our dealings with one another no matter the cost,. it should create an opportunity to love. To learn about yourself to mature as a human being, and to open up to the full experience of life.

It is important to form a unique perspective in marriage. It helps you build a good relationship. friendship will open each other up to your likes and dislikes. You will have seen each other through difficult times. You likely already trust one another. If you are a single parent, it is wise to allow each other a new family to grow in friendship. Accepting one another before the lifetime commitment

It is important you know that you have one life to live, get to live it well it is to enjoy not enduring. Remember that your creator did not at one time or the other use the word soulmate to describe your life partner. Do not get your emotions messed up and get yourself entangled with relationships. Do not put your entire life on hold. Waiting for that person you claim to be your soulmate. Neglecting the fabulous friendship that is available to you.

I also believe the desire to run after someone else assuming that you are looking for your soulmate. It's a source of distraction. some will spend so many years chasing this adventure. They missed out on the good relationship. There are so many good people out there that are ready to offer you their friendship,

I will like to suggest you keep your heart on the word of God. provides you peace and joy without any entanglement of souls. Also, be open to good hands of friendship, do not seem bad at all corners, marvelous friends are out there.

Befriend yourself . so that you do not wait on others to come and love you. love yourself for who you are. Spoil yourself with the good things of life. have friends of like mind. Set goals and aspirations for yourself. Plan how you want to achieve them, go on holiday, do not let someone use abroad to bamboozle you. Everywhere outside your base is abroad, live it now.

Life is sweet. Take time and have fun. soulmates remember this person is human and bound to disappoint. so do put your hope in man it is only in Christ you can find everlasting joy and peace.


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