LOLA: How are you, my friend?

TOPE: Not too good I think I am not one of those God has chosen to experience pregnancy.It
sucks. I really do not know what to say again after many attempts of IVF and all to avail. I will rather hang my booth and focus on making heaven,abi that is the ultimate

LOLA: That is a lie of the devil to discourage you and make you lose hope in God, He said in
his word none shall be barren in my house, not even your cattle.

TOPE: ohhh !!! Lola, I know all that from my youth,

LOLA: Do you know what God demands of you?

TOPE: More giving, more service in his kingdom, more evangelism, more prayers, more
fasting, tithe, firstfruit, attend more fellowship,

LOLA: All these are good even more of them but he demands TRUTH from you.

TOPE: How?

LOLA: Tope whenever you are praying to God, have you ever cry, mean sobbing, letting out emotions and feelings, showing how hurt you are about the matter when praying did you ever let God knows your pain, your anguish, how this can result to shame if he does not answer you, do you even let God knows what your in-law is already planning, what your colleague said last week about you not having feelings because you do not have any child of yours and how painful this comment was to you. I mean letting God knows you have no power, no strength, no ability, no wisdom to use in coming out of this situation, and that if he does not help you, you will surely fall. Do you ever say such things to God? This is called relationship, Father and child conversing.

TOPE: What do you mean, how could I ever said that to God, even my earthly father I do not talk eye to eye with him, how much more the almighty, that will tantamount to, disrespect. when there are so many wanting to pray to God, you expected me to spend this much time on my own issues, really Lola that will be too much, I do not think that is necessary, didn’t the bible says God knows everything, I expected him to answer even before I called on him

LOLA; Psalm89:14 says Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne, Unfailing love and truth walk before you as attendants NSFL version. Verse 15 in message version now says Blessed are those who know the passwords of praise, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord. My sis, it is simply demanding you to be truthful when you come before the throne of grace to obtain mercy says it as it is, make your request known, do not do hide and seek with God, open up to him, he has already given you access through the shedding of the blood of Jesus on the cross of calvary, you can call him Abba Father now, we were once lost and in darkness far away from God but he accepted us because Jesus had pleaded on our behalf and given us a place in his kingdom. Do you know the kind of worshipper the father is seeking, those that will worship him in Spirit and in Truth John 4;23.isnt it amazing my friend? When we break rules the consequences are always fatal. That is why we see a lot of delays, heartbroken, some answers long time needs remain unattended to, some will get so much discouraged and disappointed that they will live with the term that such blessings are not for them and totally remove it from their prayer list. Tope do you know what offense you are committing when you do not pray and be truthful to God, you are showing a sign of pride that you do not need God and that you have a solution that will solve your problem outside God. we are asked to come and cast our burden upon Him for he cares for us but will never force us to come because even in salvation we are giving a choice.

TOPE; I have actually been beating about the bush, not been open at all, am never use to speaking up but with this explanation you have given, I really should go back and have a heart to heart discussion with my father and sure know he will answer me. I will let you know how I feel.

LOLA: Before you begin to judge yourself, let me take you through the bible and read of a man’s account of how he expresses himself before God, openly and truthfully, Psalm 88:1 According to the sons of Korah, he acknowledges the fact that it is only God who can save him and so that is the reason why he came with that openness. Tope, you need to come to terms with that, rip yourself of any other savior, be it physically appointed help or trust you give to yourself. The word of God is expressive enough, you need to trust God absolutely, trust him with all your heart, speak the language the father understands and that is the word. Remind him of what he said in his word, pray the word. You must come to that understanding that your help only comes from the Lord then and then will you be able to be truthful in your discussion with him in prayer accepting the fact that only God can save you.

TOPE: HEY wait there, you just said pray the word, how do I do that? just telling God about my problem isn’t that enough.

LOLA: The Lord promised to keep his covenant to you and many generations, Then what is that his covenant, it is his promises, the infallible words he has given us that he promised to keep, you will search the word that has been spoken concerning your case, the scripture that God promised to keep in regard of that matter and any other promise that keeps ruminating on your mind, read it, meditate on it, pondered over it, read from different versions, pray it by speaking it and declaring your trust on that word spoken, in doing all this you are declaring your position and proclaiming your trust towards the father.

TOPE: Really Lola for how long am I going to do this?

LOLA: There is no fast rule concerning it, you stayed on this until you see the manifestation, until peace that passed all understanding rule your heart, Jesus kept praying for the cup to be taken away from him if it is possible, he kept praying until it was settled within him that he was ready, Elisha asked the servant to keep checking until there was confirmation that it was about to rain after 3years of no rain on the earth. Praying again and again until you see some proof it is not an act of unbelief but following suit according to bible practices.

TOPE: I got it, I got it I have not even pray over my promise for the year, and it is June already and am complaining of not seeing miracles, not seeing new things happening in my life.

LOLA: You are not the only one, many times we do not pray through the promises we picked, we just wait for manifestation automatically, many promises are left hanging, we jumped from one to another with no revelations, no understanding, no illuminations, no manifestation. After waiting for some time and there is no answer we get frustrated and concluded that the word does not work or that the father does not want you to have the blessings stated in the promise and whereas the word sent out by the father will not come back to him void. God cannot lie and the word that has come out of his mouth is Yea and Amen.

TOPE: I need to wake up, convincing that God loves me and I just believe it. I need to tell myself what God says I am, the word to me and me alone is the best assurance have got the bible should be my companion, I should come to terms that his promises do not fail and God cannot lie. I am the issue, I must learn to start to speak what the word says about me, wake up to the reality that my faith is a skill that I need to learn, work on it, expecting a microwave miracle is not of the bible, am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, Am so blessed, I and the children God gave me (futuristics)are for signs and wonders, am the anointed, my sins are forgiven, the blood of Jesus sets me free I cannot be bound. This is the way forward for me. Praise the Lord.


  1. What a nice post! This is wonderful. Thanks and God bless you ma, Amen 🙏.


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