This is a word that has caused a lot of controversy within teams, partnerships, big or small establishments, communities, and society generally. An average person sees accountability as a ploy by people to question his integrity. Some leaders may even feel that they do not owe their subordinates anything, especially as they do not answer to them. But that is a twisted way of seeing things.

It is sickening to see a society where people do not care or live up to the rules and regulations that are supposed to be the watchword of the society. Living carelessly, spending on frivolities, taking others for granted is fast becoming the order of the day.

Accountability simply means you are willing to take personal responsibility and answer for whatever are the outcomes of your decisions, choices, behaviors, and actions. Accountability builds trust among team members and respect for the leader. It is the key that opens a door that propels the leader for more influence and greatness.

Being accountable to your team members goes a long way to impute confidence in your followers and colleagues. It creates more opportunity to show your leadership prowess. It creates an atmosphere where everyone has the same focus and objective towards achieving the same goal.

Being accountable is a discipline that many shy away from. I sincerely believe that it is a power given by the heavenly to anyone who desires it. Being accountable is not for personal glory, rather, it gives you power over yourself. It enables you to set personal standards and create a sense of responsibility within you.

Being accountable as a leader gives you a voice among your team members; it projects a good image for you as a leader that is worthy of emulation. The accountability spirit helps to further drive the goals and objectives of the group, to deviate will become non-existent. It also instills discipline and prudence in every team member and later becomes a greater influence on society.

An excerpt from my book ASPIRING LEADERS

NOW SELLING Amazon Kindle store and Okadabooks under self-help , leadership category


  1. Thanks and God bless ma, for this wonderful write up.
    More grace and more wisdom to do more in Jesus Name, Amen 🙏.

  2. Thanks and God bless ma, for this wonderful write up.
    More grace and more wisdom to do more in Jesus Name, Amen 🙏.


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