Mothers where are you?
When God created them, he made them male and female and gave them the power to dominate their environment and world. He gave them power to tread upon serpent and scorpion and over all the power of the enemy.
He gave them dominion to take charge of their world and to direct the affairs of their life. With this equal opportunity, brings equal life Challenges. So it means what Mr. A overcomes can also be done by Miss A, that means whatever be the situations facing any gender it’s a matter of counseling, learning, determination and faith in God nothing shall be impossible it can be overcome.
It has been on my mind to write the mothers to wake up to the sudden challenge that is facing our sons or might soon face them if we do nothing now and we mothers are in a better position to start putting them in proper shape of minds, give the right discipline, guide them on how to solve and handle
matters we are in a better position to shift their focus on how to be a pillar in their world and future homes, we mothers can bring the best out of our boys, we can do it because he that lived in us is greater than he in the world, our strength is drawn from our corner of prayers.
Some few years ago when my son wanted to gain admission into covenant university there was an orientation program for the parents and in the course of the program, the dean of different department addressed us and was asking the parents to give more attention to the well being of a male child because the female child is taking the best scores for their final exams a lot of female students are coming out with 1st class position. And the deans made a statement by saying what is happening with our boys and that parents should pay more attention.
After that occasion I moved into action by praying, talking, counseling, and interacting more with my boy. Now to the matter of the day our girls are making us proud. By setting their heart on something and then go get it done, they are goal-getters, the ultimate achievers, at the helm of affairs in the corporate world.
Mothers should create more time for our boys, have a relationship that enables them to speak up, we need to be our boys best teacher. I know we can be very busy, an understatement, coupled with all house chores and careers or businesses that are waiting for our undivided attention.
if the bible says in Isaiah 8:18‘’that you and the children the Lord has given you are for signs and wonders in the Land of the living’’.We can do it mothers and when I say mothers it does not mean a biological mother, every woman that has the opportunity to mentor a child, teach or have some influence on a child or ward and has been able to gain respect from such a child is a mother and so this write up is for us all women. Let us assume our God-given responsibility as builders, nurturer, trainers, and mothering, to mention a few.
Our role in the life of our boys cannot be overemphasized let us do our work now so that they will not grow to be a grumbled husband, laid back men, unassuming May our sons flourish in their youth
Like well- nurtured plant May our daughters be like graceful pillars Carved to beautify a palace.
Mothers, it's time to get on our knees, go into our inner closet and start to ruminate, groaning in prayers until we see Christ formed in our boys, it is not late, our God is waiting for us to agree with heaven to turn things around.
For the upcoming mothers this is not the time to say some chores are for girls and some for boys, train them together, apply the same highhandedness in teaching, instructing, and guiding with wisdom to every child. Our one and main goal and desire is to see our children becoming God-ordained destiny.
My prayers is that :
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