Take Responsibility
When I woke up this morning and I wanted to pray, you now distracted me, I could not do that exercise because it is time-consuming, tope took my bag where my notebook is, so my assignment could not be done, what can I do, some of us are not created to do that, the government is too slow to take action, so many are dying, my neighbor parked at my back, I could not move out on time, the bus driver was speeding, so it caused the accident, my wife does not help me with the expense that is why my son could not pay for an excursion, I am left with a whole lot to myself, the team is nowhere to be found. oh gosh so many excuses why my life cannot be complete because I am waiting for another to do their part.
When are you going to take your responsibility, give your life interpretation and choose the response you are meant to give
A lot of lives have been on hold for years because we do not interpret the events of our life, what I am created for, why my pregnancy did not get terminated after so many hiccups, why out of all odds I am still standing.
Giving interpretation is to look inwards, find where your strength lies, find where your inner ability comes from, find what you will still do in the face of adversity, find what you keep talking about to others every moment, find out where your delight is, give interpretation to that loneliness you are facing in the midst of it what good is coming out of it, in that shortage of funds what good is coming out of it in that divorce state what good is coming out of it, in that waywardness of that child, what good is coming out, from this lockdown of our nation's you have to give it interpretation and choose your response.
Is your response bitter, angry, disappointed, anguish, fear, towards all these inadequacies, or do you choose right, laughter, happiness, love instead of hatred, courage in face impossible situation
You have the responsibility to choose your response. Choose right.
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