The Fierce raging of this unknown is killing, afraid of the air we are breathing, tense about the next news, no idea of the way out, lock-down is frustrating, uncertainty is looming in the air, rumors of a virus being injected in by some humans just to prove superiority. It is a time when all treatment has proof abortive. the best science is dumbfounded, we are scared.
The question keeps coming, is the world coming to an end, are we going to another phase, God is angry with us, let those corrupt politicians be the one to pay for this by being. infected with the virus said by some karma finding people.
We are told let not your hand touch your nose, not your face, not your eyes, because the hands touched surfaces that might be infected from time to time. Everyone washes hands more than the one washed in a lifetime.
I was praying and all I could ask this day I need you closer Holy Spirit, I want you to speak more to me I want to feel you, give insight, increase your grace over me, I feel if I had been more sensitive maybe I would have heard what is about to happen, I pray I want to receive more precise messages from the Lord, I need a fresh anointing, I want to feel Love more, after some time, the word came straight to me and I changed the synchronization I started saying I trust you, Lord, I trust you help me know you as King
My friends, God will not leave us to destruction not now not ever only the sinners who continually reject the Love of God in Jesus, only those who turn deaf ears to Jesus plead that you should come unto Him and repent of their sins but there is always a way out just REPENT. Doubt your feelings of worthlessness, sinfulness, doubt and doubt it again, He promised not to leave or forsake us
not now or ever. His love does not have an expiry date, it is not a trepidation to how you feel or what you do, it is pure, righteous, Holy Love of God.
The devil cannot make us feel otherwise, we have the reckless love, the overwhelming Love on our side you need not be afraid. DOUBT THAT FEELING AND TRUST.
