Do as you want others to do unto you, this is appropriate in any human law that govern a society this is the ideology I carried for a long time and I also believed dearly in.
Life has taught me that the best rewarding satisfaction of life is when you give a helping hand to someone who does not has the ability to pay you back in kind or in cash, only the word THANK YOU is what you might get and if it was anonymously giving, you do not get anything at all, when you do such favor it is God that rewards because the receiver shows great appreciation to God, giving Him glory, the word of God says he is the father of the fatherless, the husband of the widow and surely any benevolence to such people has a great reward from God.
Maybe when you have seen people who do good today and next week they are asking for a favor back and you are expected to reciprocate whether you have the means or not if you do not want to be the term as ungrateful.
I have a friend I can describe as someone who happens to have rendered one favor or the other to me, but recently she came to my father’s burial ceremony with souvenirs and cash gifts and after much of these I started looking out for a way to pay back every time I try buying stuff, is either being out of cash or could not find a suitable gift, after much trial, the spirit begins to minster to me that some people are sent into our lives with the purpose only to fulfill God counsel, showing forth his lovingkindness, expecting nothing in returns. it was a great lesson, I became at ease enjoying the moment and knowing fully that my benevolence will not lose her reward since it is the Most High that orchestrated it.

Here comes the million-dollar question, what kind of a Giver are you? The world had actually become a global village that will need each other every time, every moment, God made it in such a way that we will always be in need of one another, there is no self-made man John 1 :3 says Through him all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made. God gave you the wisdom, the capability, the grace of relationship, the grace of access to opportunity is given by God even you might claim I was hardworking but do not forget that the strength is given from above, the earlier we recognize this the better, in as much as I do not condone mediocrity, I also believe in being human, seeing beyond self but actualizing the gift of God upon your life to the betterment of the world around you.
My main gist is that our gifts and talents are there to improve ourselves and the society, do not apportion your gift with the intention of requesting for ridiculous favor, see not yourself has been the custodian and owners of your gifts acknowledge God
One thing I have come to understand is that a GIVERof one blessing today becomes a RECEIVER of another blessing tomorrow, why, life made it such a way that no man will be able to boast of been self-made but appreciating God’ sovereignty above all.
Wake up and live as if life will have no meaning without it, do the good now without looking back, do not wait for a crisis before you do your good deed, you are created for it, give a life purpose, meaning, joy and fulfillment and your heavenly father will surely reward your good deed.
