Looking now at the past, is a lesson that should provide a cushion for how you want the future to look like. Many people who are fond of blaming others for their present state ought to sit down and asked themselves the vital questions on why they allow the hindrance, why they slept their time away, why they did not stop the abuser, why they did not put some money away, why gave in to corruption for this long, why they did not seek advice on certain issues, why they did not give their life meaning, why they did not realize they are born as an individual with the image of God and with power to create not consume alone. There are so many whys that require an answer to enable them to channel their thought right and draw the template of how the future should play out. If they can take time to sincerely answer themselves then they will stop blaming others and know that since they still have life bouncing out of them then another opportunity is here for them to grab and prepare for the future.

You own yourself this responsibility, to turn around the hand of time that looks glim and dark towards your future. You owned yourself a better life, a peaceful life, a life not dependent on others for sustenance.

In a devotion, this morning we study on Ezekiel 37:14 that says I will put my spirit in you and you will live and I will settle you in your own land, this scripture reveals the process at which you achieve greatness and own your throne, that everything in life has a laid out plan and that there is no jumping, nothing happens by accident, and that you do not get to own your own land until you get involved with landowners that teaches you the process of getting yours.

If you are expecting a buoyant, fulfilling, financially independent future it is important you start to set aside means for it or at least make an attempt by seeking the professional advice, in that area of your expectation and make an intentional impact

You can not live your life to chance, acquiring skill in the way the HolySpirit works it is very important, the Spirit of God gives our spirit life and afterward we are able to live. Your relationship with the Holyspirit is very paramount to your spirit getting a life, you have to consistently create an atmosphere where your relationship will be fuel with power that comes from the Spirit. Stay at his feet to teach you the rudiment of life, learn day to day from the Spirit of God, walk right behind Him because He was here before us, Jesus purposely ask the father to send us the Holy Spirit because we are limited in our knowledge and understanding of the things of this world, life is spiritual and nothing happens in the physical realm until it is created in the spirit and since you do not have the manual it is only wise to follow the one that has it.
You do not give what you do not have, life begets life and it is the spirit that gives life.

Finally when you fulfill all requirement as the Lord demanded in the bible then God will settle you in your own Land when you have acquired all necessary tutorship and pass then you will appreciate when you see glory, success, accomplishments, crowns, glams, accolades, thrones do not begin to ask a question, let it be clear that the candidate had paid the price, I mean lasting wealth not hands down

So wake up to reality, to what you want the future to look like, start to pay attention, it will not just suddenly appear.
