For some days now my faculty of writing was quiet and yet I was hungry but nothing appealed to me, it looks as if am locked down but I started tunning to worship songs and it stirred me up to praise my savior for His wonderful deeds and for him who has risen to give me life in abundance and make my life worthwhile, in my worship of God it dawned on me that Jesus is not just the way but the only way and that life is meaningless, out of no value without Jesus and that it is His light that gave our darkness light, God brought us out of darkness into the marvelous light of his dear son and so we cannot boast of anything, His life was given in exchange of ours, we are made righteous by the righteousness imputed on us in Christ Jesus, we have light in our spirit because we are brought into his light and He became our light in place of our darkness, so what then can we laid our hands-on to be our making? Nothing, without Him we are nothing.
Then and then the rainbow showed up in New York City` suddenly my spirit got elated to write again, our God showed us again that He loved us and that He will always forgive us when we cry unto him, He will remember His covenant and that NEW YORKER WILL LIVE AGAIN AND HE WILL HEAL THEIR LANDS.
Genesis 9:13- 17 reads I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life .when ever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth"
Praise God alleluia Jesus arose, I was happy, refreshed, renewed, elated in my spirit, being reassured that God loved us and he listened when we called and he answered us.
Are you in need of answers, guidance, directions, comfort, healing, hope in the sight of despair, salvation from darkness, cheer up the rainbow is here, remember His covenant to you, his word is his covenant, He is the promise keeper, His word is infallible, there is a test of your faith going on now, you have to rise up and know that God will not fail you. God cannot deny himself, he is not a man, the best of man is man, God is not a man, he watched over his word to perform, you need to activate your faith, wait patently on him and he will turn to you, he will lift you up from that pit and put a new song in your mouth.psalm 40:1
The rainbow is here do not give up on God because He won’t give up on you, God is able, be assured that we will not be consumed by this situation on hand, God will not lie to us, His love is too deep, too reckless in his love towards us that he leaves the ninety-nine to come looking for you, he runs you down, chase you down to rescue you from you. COME TO ME ALL OF YOU WHO ARE WEARY AND CARRY HEAVY BURDENS, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Matt 11:28.
You ended with my word for the year. 👍😉
ReplyDeletehello am so happy you are blessed keep speaking the word until it become flesh in your life. Pray your promise of the year and you will see God move
DeleteThank you very much for this.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading, super thrill that it meant something to you.Hold on there God will not forsake you.