You are a seed on earth to produce numerous harvest, it is good to know that your life is as the content that you produce. The summation of our daily activities is planting of seeds here and there for a period of harvest. Seeds are precious little objects that physically in observing it will look insignificant.

There are strategies for germination period for the seeds, some after a period of cold winter like temperature, another exhibited immediate germination, while some 13 species “staggered” germination over time. Germination strategies were generally conserved within families but it’s certain

       Our life is like a farmer that goes to plant seed waiting for the germination at different seasons and the harvest is not always according to the farmer's needs but according to the seed planted. 


       Life is spiritual, treat it as such, plant seed that will yield a good harvest. The earth does not discriminate or choose what type of seed you plant, you reap what you put in there. Speaking the word of God into your family will come in hand in a day of trouble. Come a time when exercising faith will be difficult but the outcome will be according to what you confess.

      When you plant, germination is certain, you have enough seed for a lifetime, do not waste them by planting wrongfully, stop planting the seed with a negative effect, you are made from the incorruptible seed, so plant right.       


      Do not compromise planting good seed, live a deliberate righteous life, towards yourself and acquaintances. Many have missed life opportunities due to an act of wickedness sown into others. Wake up and break the pattern through the prayer, sow counter seeds, do not leave your life to chance, understand the mode and correct it. 

       When you look into some lives, you found it peaceful appearing not to have any problem but sometimes such lives have planted good seeds. Hardworking, taking good decisions, seeking out for others well being, praying, and being concerns about God’s agenda on earth. These are the two ways the commandments were categorized by Jesus.

    You begin to see that such life is enjoying loads of blessings which seems there is no turbulent period at all but it is just that the positive outcome overshadows the dark periods because there has been a huge planting of good seeds which makes the harvest to come in tonnes but that is not an exchange for salvation.

        I am passionate about women watching the back of another, lifting, celebrating, and comforting each other. In as much as we ought to speak the truth in love most times we pull ourselves down or show no empathy at all. It is a seed and the harvest is sure. I met a  doctor friend recently after some years and I knew where he was working before and we have great expectation of his career growth there but he was cheated and was very disappointed after four years of waiting he got another job, he got a dream job where his work is appreciated and compensated for more than what he can imagine or ask for. This gave me an assurance that life is a seed and that whatever you do will come back in folds.

      Conscious and intentional planting of the seed, the result is inevitable, the word of God is an incorruptible seed which when we put in our lives daily will produce lasting results. The word has the power to yield instant results or at a later time.


        The children of Israel in the wilderness grumbling against God even after experiencing the glory of God in Egypt. Words were seed planted as a declaration that even when Moses pleaded on their behalf God forgives but none of them see the promised land, their confession kept the children in slavery for forty years. Num 14:28
