Proverbs 1:20-21

Wisdom shouts in the street,
She raises her voice in the markets
She calls out at the head of the noisy streets[where large crowds gather]. At the entrance of the city gates, she speaks her word.

Proverbs 11:1
The Lord detests dishonest scales
But accurate weights find favor with him.

Proverbs 16:11
Honest scales and balance belong to the Lord 

In everyday business, we always have decisions to make. what differentiates one from another is the application of wisdom. That determines our approach in handling business ideas and many other structures that build a lasting institution.

How to keep making your salesperson happy. In this section. The company needs the wisdom to identify what one salesperson is doing better to increase sales.No organizations survive on their own. The human being who is the salesperson makes things happen. They make sure by trying to convince the public why they should buy and use their products. This product canvassing might take a lot of energy, time, and persuasion. When a salesperson closes a transaction it is more than winning a lottery. It is a world of competition and your victory counts a lot.

So welfare. emotional stability. personal and family wellbeing of a salesperson should be taken into serious consideration. When the salesperson is happy the company will be in a good position. The salesperson must feel appreciated. The human resources should create a lighthearted environment to have a get-together for the staff to interact and relax.

How to adopt the right method that improves sales. Working on the future of the business is very important. Either you work in the business day to day running or working on it. Networking is good. For business, you keep meeting a wide variety of people. Attending conferences. Being a member of a relevant association or industry group really exposes the business to the right people. that help the growth of the business.

Networking is still a valuable tool for keeping an eye on issues. Opportunities affecting your sector, you will learn up -to -date and useful information from networking. then you could read from newspapers. It is helpful to business when one customer propagates the product to one another. it improves sales for the company.

There is the salesforce that goes to drive home to the customers why their product is the best. A good salesman is inestimable. it takes a lot to convince a stranger or dissuade them from using the product they have been using. The use of one method always speaks volumes and it creates a face for the product and automatically increases sales. A warm relationship between the two new people is very crucial. Most times customers do stick to a product or love a particular company's services due to the established relationships. Business is fundamentally about people and relationships. Make time to connect and ask customers for feedback, listen and make appropriate changes.

Sales can improve with the constant availability and accessibility of quality products. when the customer is able to lay their hands on the product as immediately as they request for it. This will motivate and keep them at peace that there is continuity of provision.

To improve sales it is important that you stay with the ingenuity of the product and services. it is important that the market gets to know and accustom to your quality and character that defines your product. wisdom in the marketplace makes sure that sticking and constantly producing high-quality products. Makes the work of the salesforce in the company easy to achieve. In the course of this sales will always take an upturn in scale.

This might look cheeky but have found it to be true. A good ambiance of your working space coupled with all other factors can draw customers to your store. Wisdom in the marketplace has come to terms in this century that it takes a lot to draw men to your store. The architectural and natural decoration of the places want to matter now. Many things are into consideration and it is wise that we explore all possible means we can get sales running. `

How to keep your team Flying. Head of units, coaches, managers, bosses must wake up. The fact there is sometimes, the economy is bleeding. business is slow. Production stop. The market is dull. people are not just buying. Loads of work is on the sales force, marketers have to still get the business going. Making sure there are sales. At this moment the team does not need a nagging boss. it needs the support, direction, and informed leader who come around to share information that aids sales. Checking on the salesforce at interval to know their well being will go along way.

We know that it takes more than professionalism. To close a deal, for some deals the investors want to meet and dine with you and your family. partners want to see what you are outside the office. want to talk of other things that matter to you apart from work. Are you temperamental? are you coordinate under pressure? do love counts to you or you are the shylock? are you softhearted or assertive? There is so much to learn about people when they are not under the watchdog of colleagues and rules. This and more are things people who will like to know before being part of your establishments. They want genuine, not pretentious people with no morals. So it is important to mold our lives and work in the way and manner that will attract investors.

How informed are your salesforce? it is very unprofessional for representatives of organizations to go out with no adequate information. About the product or services rendered by the company. This speaks volumes in the sight of intending buyers and those in need of your services. it reflects incompetence. lack of dedication and the level of technical know-how of the organization. Salesforce is an image-maker, the voice of the product or services. it is important that necessary and tangible information is on hand.


  1. What a wonderful write-up ma. May the good Lord bless you and your family and inspire you the more in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen🙏.

  2. What a wonderful write-up.!May the good Lord bless you and your family and inspire you the more in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen🙏.


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