Creativity is an ability imputed in you. To do things from the ordinary to new and imaginative ideas to reality. You are in God’s image and after His likeness. I am convinced that no one is a nonentity. we have the power to create, it is in us. The more training you have and the more diverse the training. The greater the potential for creative output.
Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being. Creativity requires passion and commitment. It is a combinatorial force. it's our ability to tap into our inner pool of resources. knowledge, insight, information, inspiration, on our minds.
Have seen great innovation these days life-changing innovation. The art of imagination causes us to be able to create solutions for the problem of life. To create solutions for our own world, organize, change the course of existence if it is not favorable. Most times we wait for another. Like partners, organizations, governments to come up with a plan To make our world beautiful. Though the government owns it has a responsibility to the citizens. To deliver good governance but you own your world to create life and all that will make you fulfill destiny.
Creativity can be developed. It is also a skill that needs a process that can be managed. creativity is the most crucial factor for future success. If you have ideas but don’t act on them you are imaginative, not creative. Believe you can change the world. Radical ideas are not bad. Make a contribution to your world every day.
You even hide under the pretense that what will be will be. Why do I have to try? You claim you are under a spell and generations before you have suffered the same lot. You say no matter how you tried there will not be a change. That is a lie. You are creating a life. but it happens to be one giving you sorrow. shame, making you feel inadequate, incomplete, to beg for what you own.
You asked why am I where I am? dude, you stop creating. you allow your imaginations to go to sleep, you put an end to your dreams, you give in to fear, you see nothing in your future. You are holding people responsible for your inability to dream. Wake up you are for exploits. Do not die as a pauper when you are to feed nations.
Cast out fear which is the bedrock of failure. Dare yourself. Fear keeps your mouth shut and the door closes. There is a miracle in your mouth looking for the opportunity into existence. The creativity in your imagination. will not find expression with your hands if you continue to dwell in fear.
Lift yourself up. dust your tools to try again. Go back to the drawing table, the innovation brewing in your mind will come up again. There is success in adversity. The little effort counts, the energy in you should not go to waste. Intimidation should not be a barrier. Re-enter.
There is no being here that is empty or void of creativity. The difference is what you are creating. While some are creating joy, another is chaos. While one is positive, the other is negative. Also while one is building up the other is casting down. Some specialty is to talk themselves down and see impossibility all around them. You are creating.
Thanks and God bless you for all your inspirational and motivational post ma. Please keep it up ma, the Lord is your strength.