My beloved country, oh my beloved
My love for you knows no boundary I was so much in love with you that I refused to check out like the "Andrews".
I saw so many prospects in you. The nation of my father, I was raise and loved with the freshness of the dew of your blessings.
I grew up to see a nation of prosperity, I lived in peace and quietness. Our street was ever lit up and the joy of communal games with children like me has no boundaries.
Oh, my beloved nation! going to school was fun! filled with goodies that occupy my locker, with assorted and favorites. The economy was smiling and soaring. Parents can do and undo for the children, we lived in a world of surplus.
How this has disappeared in Nigeria, I do not know. We woke to see this brutality, oh who will save us from this?
We woke to see the citizen who once enjoy surplus pick food from garbage. who will save us from this?
Nigeria has been sabotage, condemn, deprived of its glory. Your existence has been an avenue for some to steal, kill and destroy the main source of your glory.
Nigeria you are for more, more of peace. more oil of gladness, more for your youth, more for your citizens.
I will not let you go. I will not let you sink. I will not let you die. I will not give you over to the destroyer. I will arise in the might of the Lord and pray for your deliverance. Am not gonna let you slip away, am not gonna let you go under. MERCY SAID NO. MERCY SAID NO.
NIGERIA you are to shine, Let the dew of heaven fall on you. May the glory of Nigeria begin to rise. Come out from the pit of despair and take your position as the leader that you are. Take your place.
Let the light shine on you.
What a wonderful write-up! Ma, I pray the Almighty God give you more wisdom and understanding to do more in Jesus Name, Amen 🙏.