DO YOU HAVE WHAT THE WORLD CAN COPY -Love, Service, Forgiveness without Expectation.
Ephesian 4;31 James 1:25, Psalm 121:1.
Human is a creative being and from time to time you will see surprises springing up from all spheres of life. As you see creativity in fashion in quantum leap, so are you even surprised in the music industry. The sports world is not out. You have the seed in you because you are in God’s image and the power of creativity is in you. We also notice that the church has actually copied a lot from the world instead of it to be vice versa. The church is the pacesetter. Because of who you are and what you represent and above all because you have the grace bestowed on you to do better.
With much study and thinking, I felt you have a lot, you can show the world and make them emulate. the obedient to the word of God in you that is worthy of emulations.
Love, service, forgiveness are fruit of the spirit and can manifest in the life of people of faith in God. While watching the Daystar channel. I heard the stories of these great women who chose to allow God’s counsel to get fulfilled than give in to self.
Serita Jakes mother has a son. who died by a gunshot on the street, she became devastated, found herself dead in parts, distraught. The killer got apprehended and she went in to meet him to ask why he did that and declare that she forgave him. Her children, stunned because what they were looking for his revenge. It did not end there after a while the killer, diagnosed with cancer. He was in the hospital where she found out and she visited him, served him by holding on to his straw to drink. and later ministered salvation to him.
Cindy Johnson was Joni Lamb’s friend. when Cindy was 13years of age the mother left home with another man. she came back from school to found mum is gone. Without taking anything from the house and not saying goodbye. She went derailed because she was looking for explanations that no one could give. The father being a pastor took her to a psychiatric hospital because she stopped going to school. She lost her mind. Unfortunately, the hospital could not do much, she came back home. She got her healing the day the family took holy communion. A warm presence of the HolyGhost overshadowed her.
The mother got in touch when she was 20yrs. In her old age, she moved her mother close to her after noticing her state of health and the stepfather. Her son build a house for them and she took care of them till her death.
Most of us have heard about Joyce Meyer’s story. abused by her father since her young age. The amazing part was that in the later years she had to move her parents closer. Due to old age and as instructed by the Lord. She took care of them for 15yrs. She bought them their home, and yet she was still dazed, looking for the reason why the Lord directed her in such a manner. The Lord said I will not allow you to pass through what you cannot handle. it is for you to be a support to those who will in near future find themselves in such a dilemma. She said it was her duty and the will of God, she does not have to understand.
Mother Teresa said “if you judge people you have no time to love them”
“I know God won’t give me anything I can’t handle. I wish he didn’t trust me so much”
“It is a kingly act to assist the fallen”
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other”
“I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like. but I don’t know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us. He will NOT ask, “How many good things have you done in your life? Rather he will ask, ‘How much LOVE did you put into what you did?”
You have what the world can copy and will make it a better, peaceful. place to live. STOP COPYING AND START LIVING.
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