How I port from a 9to5 job to owing my business

How I port from a 9to5 job to owing my business

A journey of a thousand-year must start in a day.

I always end a year with the desire to know what God has in store for me in the coming year.

That was how I joined the team of Tfolc in 2009 by His instruction, I enjoyed every of my working day with great minds and" oga mi Pataki"Pst T

I desire to leave after some years to start my business, but I was doing my side hustle is what I love and that is household products.

I chose that because they are of good quality, durable, and colorful products. It's fun they are instrumental in the kitchen. I wanted to solve cleaning problems while cooking.

Leaving a 9 to 5 job to do your business is a decision that you have to make and requires putting your interest where you love.

Doing your own business takes lots of energy, your effort has to double and be diligent. Discipline cannot be ruled out. Adopt those traits now for your smooth sailing.

@readytocoach @businessowner@howtoport
