Marvin and Victor were at my birthday party with their mum. It was so amazing to see the mum after a long while. It was a time of reunion. I knew the mum when she was a single lady, in the evangelism department.

The focus on this day is the boys that should be in their early teens. The first question they asked as they entered my house is aunty, how old are you? I answered them and another followed what do you do? Which I also did.

These and more questions that bothered the mind of our teens and youth. They needed answers to many questions of life. It is of you to answer them according to your exposure and knowledge. The irony of life made it known that you become what you behold. So the children often adhered to what they see you doing than what you tell them.

What you are portraying to your kids matters a lot. You are being observed in your actions. When you show commitment to make your world a better place or fulfilling your role as expected. The kids see you and emulate as usual

When you chose to act the rude one with no explanation. Your attitude and behavior answer to their disturbing minds. Your kids do likewise. Have you not notice when there is love in the air. The positive energy, your children grow better. Do better in all ramifications, you need to pause and check.

Do not expect your children to come out with excellent behaviors. when who they emulate says otherwise. According to Myles Munroe, good children do not come by accident. You have rubbed off on them, they do get confused between the teacher at home and the teacher in school. They lived most of their time with you and they loved you, they believed in you.

Have you answered all their questions? can you even do that? No, the answers will always come from observing you. Remember you are the first teacher, the mirror they behold every day, the most truth they held on to. Please TEACH WELL.
