Being lonely at the top Is not a Leadership problem but a relational one. Everything rises and falls on Leadership. You do not have to make your Monday and the rest of the week a hell.
There is a placard on your table that designates your position as the boss but you can only be respected and admired when you add value to your team and everyone that does business with you not when you shuffle it through their throat.
Look at reality in the eye, take a stand, and move yourself and the team forward. Let your leadership comes from a relational standpoint not positional or else it will be lonely at the top. When you do not micromanage your people, your trust increase. Your people get to be determined and focus. Productivity sure increases.
The great leader, head of department, supervisor, and manager crosses the line together with the team holding the banner together. your 20% attention to your team relationship, will yield an 80% increase in your overall revenue.
Monday set the TONE for the week.
What a wonderful write-up? May the good Lord bless and continue to increase you in wisdom and in understanding in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen 🙏.