For every message, there is a messenger. Messenger is the vessel in whom the message spreads. The message is to outlive the messenger. You are a messenger that carries a message for your circle of influence. Sent by the universe. Whether you deliver it or not is in your hands.

But the majority leaves the sand of the world untouched. due to their selfish interest that leads to fear. pure disobedience, ignorance, which is not an excuse. while we have those whose messages are still speaking volumes after they are long gone.

It is great when through you the world gets liberated. There are so many ages we have lived through and the darkness has kept many in bondage. The one with the message helps to shed light or stand to fight the course of liberation. with the heavenly power backing, you up.

Martin Luther King's message came as a force. That demands equality among all humanity. He died but his dream came to pass, the black and white American girl held hands in the park, envisioned. The message lived on.

Mary Slessor came to Nigeria and fought that twin children are not taboo. They should live rather than the notion of killing them. The people believed that some occurrences they see are due to their birth. The message lived on.

Mother Teresa's mission to the world is to HELP.
She said when you judge people, you do not have time to love them.
-if you can't feed hundred people feed one
-if we have no peace it is easy because we forgot that we belong to each other.
-kind words are shorthand and easy to speak but their echoes are endless.
-peace begins with a smile
-yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come, we have today let us begin.
After her death in 1997, she is one of the 20th century's greatest humanitarians. She became canonized as Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 2016. By Pope Francis.
A life dedicated to helping the poor, well spent. The message lived on.

John Maxwell is living and well. He has gone to nations. trained presidents. and executives on how good leadership can improve the course of life. As of 2021. He and his team have channeled the life of forty thousand coaches from all over the world. into coaching, leaders to know that LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCE. AND EVERYTHING RISES AND FALLS ON LEADERS.
He has written books that will ever continue to speak after him.

You might say I am not this popular and I do not even have a vision like these notable people. You can adapt their vision and carry the torch and never let the light go off. You can follow the vision you believe in, channel your energy into seeing that it never dies and you live up to it.

Many are in the circle of your influence, you should become the Leader you did not get from others. Be the mouthpiece of peace to the troubled world. Let it speak and live after you. Your message will not die if you spread it. for it to fulfill its purpose,

Make your message SIMPLE. You cannot be everything to everybody. Understand where your soul is leading, which course sparks fire in you. Follow your heart. Start from your Jerusalem. be the person you're called to be.

You must UNDERSTAND your MESSAGE before people carry the banner with you. relate to the environment, work with people of the same vision. SPREAD in your own words even if it is in your native language. the language of love it’s one when backed up with action. The world is waiting.
