Some years back I was working in a fast-food company as a sales supervisor. As it was then but today's middle manager.

My duty comprises tasting every food. Snacks. ice cream. Popcorn and so on before they get to the counter. I must taste and be sure the production team has done justice to the menu. Meeting the standard of the organization.

It was important that I approved the finished products. recommended that the sales team received them. as being good for consumption and ready for customers to buy. I was so proud of my work. Happy to be there because we were giving value to our clients as a team.

For innovation to thrive, production making schedule time, sales to be on increase. Clients to continue patronizing. it will take the middle managers to take care of the people below. The workers worked with the middle manager. They regard the instructions passed down to them by MM as the most appropriate and reliable. A relationship built.

You might be the owner of a business. the director and management that foot the bill. and have the authority, without a good and informed MM the effort will be useless. Middle managers sit in the meeting with you. hear you out and move on to your team for great execution.

The middle manager listens and serves as a counselor. to the team members in their personal life. making sure that the team is stable the vision gets understood and in the right state of mind to carry it out. They sacrifice themselves so that others might achieve more. MM delegates to help build a strong team and in the long run, build a stronger company.

An organization with up-to-date, seasoned, kind-hearted, passionate, and motivation-driven managers. will exceed their target and stay standing tall among their competitors. Many staff has never come across the chairman nor the managing director. but they're satisfied. knowing that the management representative being the middle manager has their back. cares for them. not capitalize on their mistakes but push them to do better.

Have seen staff run with the vision of the organization as if they are the creator. Put themselves at risk. being the burden bearers. exceed expectations. making the customer feel safe and ready to work with their whole energy. ready to collaborate with colleagues and take care of each other. because they feel they belong no matter what level they are in the cadre. The MM makes them believe so.

If I say I loved my job. I am not referring to the ambiance of the office, the benefits, or the flexible time of work. but the boss that makes me feel capable. the boss that makes my day beautiful, that makes the work environment conducive and safe. The boss that has my best interests at heart makes me want to come to work every day. The one that did not micromanage me but gives me wings to allow the best in me to come out and learn better.

I do not know how much the management can pay the Middle manager for the work they are doing. but I know how much the MM will delight to see them show more interest in them and their work.
