Morning by morning new mercy I see all I have needed thy hands have provided. Great is your faithfulness unto me. Waking up is the opportunity life gives any man to have another shot at destiny. To get out of bed and have no reason to live well for the day is like living for nothing. Life gives you such an opportunity you ought to make the best out of it.
Knowing WHY you are out of bed makes you give value to every moment you are going to be spending outside it.
You will walk through the day because you want to live for what you believe. To be a dash of hope and light to everyone you will meet that day. It is only those who know their WHY walk through the day with objectivity. At twenty-four hours, mark checked on their list and believe tomorrow will be better.
When you know your WHY no situation will deter you from achieving your purpose. You move the people that believe in your why. when they see you accountable for your actions and see your consistency in carrying out your WHY.
The manufacturer of Apple products. They came up with the reason WHY they produce sleek products as they do. They said we are not going to make computers. or other products only to fill in the gap or be among the Technology producers. Our WHY should meet up with the lifestyle of any user of our product. We will want our users to have the feeling of being special.
We are here to challenge the status quo to make creativity and innovation go hand in hand.
We want to focus on something unique. Add value to you.
We are making it simple to use for our customers who believed the same as us. That knows that less is more.
We're giving you a friendly user device. intelligence and having fun at the same time.
Well, it worked the people who believed in what they believed rallied around them and accepted the first product. Apple Inc. proceeded in making varieties that have kept people stuck to the use of the products.
What is driving your career?
Do you only work from paycheck to paycheck or actually to change your world? if you are around for the money alone you will leave no legacy. If your WHY includes improving lives and adding value to humanity. You stand by it and follow through. You will be around for a long time even after you have gone.it will speak.
You are to let your staff know why you are in the business. The workers who buy into the WHY you exist will work with their soul, sweat, and loyalty. They will not work only for the gratification. but will stand by the organization to see that it fulfills the purpose. Trust is a feeling that comes out of believing the same value system.
Martin Luther King came out saying what he believed and 250000 people came out to hear him. Only because they believed in what he believed. They came to hear him not because he is a great orator but because they have the same ideology. They took the bus running for miles only because of what they believed. They did not come for him, they came for themselves.
He did not come out declaring the twelve points agenda. NOR what he had into changing the government or better ways he had to perform. He only came out loud declaring his WHY. And what the world should look like. People who have the same beliefs even of a different color. Same in value thronged out from all over following him. because they believed too.
When Leaders manage to come forth with the right belief. genuine followers who are ready to do it and follow through will emerge and die by doing what they believe.
So WHY do you get out of bed this morning.?
Only if you can answer that will you make your day worthwhile.
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