Organizations spent millions to put their projects on a golden pedestal. to reveal their significance to the world. Young executives 're trained with the mindset to be goal-getters. A glory carrier. The swift hands that get the job done. The wisdom of the time blows up the hidden treasure and causes them to be at par or above their competitors.

When the man sets his face like a flint and works hard, runs with the vision, pulls all the strings, works by the books. Push above the standards, and get the name of the organization in print on the sands of glory. Multiplying the income in many folds. Causes men to acknowledge and regard your creativity. The glory of the man becomes the glory of the organization for years to come.

Why do you, Sauls, are then angry with Jonathans for putting the Philistine to flight? Jonathan in your office and his team put their lives on the line. their safety, they add knowledge to knowledge to get a permanent stay in the game of business. How then do the Sauls of the organization get hurt to their marrow?. Refuses to carry the trophy of success. Why are you still standing outside angry? seeing every success to the company that does not come from you as a taboo?.

The game has changed, the table turned, young or old, subordinates or boss. manager or junior staff. There is David that won't sit on the fence seeing the Goliath holler at him. All we are all looking for is success. good success. all late-night work turning to glory, our pockets getting filled with the currency. Let's stop that game of hunting down. Micromanaging. Bad seed sowing. Quenching of the fire. The killing of the vision. Throwing jabs and putting bad vibes in the air. Why are you displeased with your subordinate that pitched well for you to get the contract?

Let's allow the eagle on the horizon. be it in solemn assembly, corporate, political, in the market places. Keep the fire burning, Let the glory of this later shine forth. Let nations come to our rising from the hands of our youth. We are in the season of greatness, Let it flow. It can be through the generation of our time. The brilliant soul, the regenerate minds.the creative mogul in small sizes. A new season is to be in every generation, evolving is the order of the universe. You are not to kill the fire.

Arise, Leaders. your years of effort and hard work are to carry on. and if it’s in the younger generation that will speak the language. and push to explode that bag of victory. Allow them.
