There is a skill in you. Talent or profession. Only you know how to operate best in it. Do not cower in on yourself. you do not need to compete with another. You are important.
Administrative skill, being the peacekeeper or home keeper, tolerant towards another could be yours. A great listener you are. An obedient child that gives so much joy. You‘ve got soothing words that can quieten the mind of an angry mob. without the carriage of weapons. You have emotions that move the heart of men to do the right things. A cleaner, cooking delicacies are your strength and more.
You can project and seek solutions at the surface of a problem. You have clarity on confusing matters. and you think that these are not skills to reckon with. You love to be accountable and you insist on it. You think because there is no big title behind your name or because a medal IS NOT awarded to you, you are nothing.
Do not make such a mistake. You are a link we cannot afford to neglect. You are very important to the running of that family. that organization, society, and the world at large. Your contribution is very needful.. do not GET deceived, you're needed.
If a man is a cheerleader then this man is the leader of them all. Have known him for years and all he does is cheer up people around him. You cannot leave his presence without laughing. He is an enigma.
This man is AT HIS BEST in cheerleading. He is a pleasure giver and an encourager. I thought of it, only if he knows that he is much better than many psychologists put together. That is his area of skill.
It is important you continue to sharpen your end. Be in readiness to give it. The more you do so the more your significance will RECEIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Believe in yourself.
There is significance in you that cannot GO UNNOTICED. get more through education. if you feel like it but do not lose sight of the one skill that is a blessing already flowing through you. You are important.
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