Creating good memories should not get thrown out of the window. Because it sometimes marks out what your adulthood PATH will look like.
When an adult gets into trouble like getting arrested or questioned by the law for bad behavior. Sometimes the lines of investigation might want to know what growing up looks like. For the offender to have committed such an offense. A lot of them are walking through life issues due to the scar they have gotten while younger.
There is always an adult that is in charge of a child. To create good or bad memories always lie in the hands of the adult. You should know that creating a good one will shape life well. Society is a victim of politicians. whose background will have helped shape their conduct in office. What we see and get from them is a result of their upbringing.
The inter-house sports program. the cooking sections with the child, going to the market, reading books for the child. Traveling and visiting create great memories. Having a time out is one of the good memories. It takes a great effort.
Colleagues celebrating another after a great accomplishment creates a good memory. Every human being loves and appreciates a great deal of acknowledgment from another. Good Parenting to children and vice versa leaves a good effect on everyone. These are gestures money cannot buy and feelings that last forever. it produces is last long effects and multiples success.
American billionaire Mark Cuban was twelve years old. when he requested the father for new basketball sneakers. and the father asked him to look for a way to do something that will produce money for him. He started selling bin bags door to door and he was able to get his new shoe. That action pushes him into realizing how skillful he is at selling. He continued in it even at college. And from that, he has ventured into the business from one to another which makes him a billionaire now.
The time is changing by the hour. This younger generation is missing out one way or the other. The world is moving at jet speed. More or less not creating valuable time to create happy memories. There is a great insight into the problem. that requires us to pause and realize that a happy child will bring forth a happy adult. and will create for us a balanced society.
It's not too late to create good memories. You are a very significant figure in helping that child be it parent, guardian, or teacher. You own that child in your care into shaping a good life. This will go a long way and that could be a lifesaver in adulthood for the child.
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