You are a spiritual being. your spiritual need is as crucial to your well-being as your physical needs. even more. When you go through a traumatic and painful experience there is always an internal force. That helps you release the past and move on with your lives.
When you refuse to let go. You distrust the flow of life force. You distort the present by living in the past. By doing so you weakened your body and spirit. Both mental and physical. You begin to carry diseases because of the deadness of your spiritual being.
We are in the days when many are experiencing depression. and at times it is due to the inability to accept oneself for who you are. To do self-evaluation helps to discover yourself. It allows you to move within your positive energy rather than wanting to be in the shadow of another person.
Overstressing your brain can lead to mental problems. brain tumors, and all kinds of stroke. nervous breakdown.neurological disturbances. You begin to have feelings of inadequacy. You are not open to others' ideas, refuse the truth, live in fears.
Absorb the information of your present situations. Let the truth take its true course. Change is constant. Accept the new perception of your situations that are true and start to live them. Release the old and begin to embrace the new.
You will have the energy to live well after any painful experience. If only you come to terms and be conscious of what the new has to offer. you will be able to live in the present.
Tao Te Ching counsels that when change occurs you should interpret it as part of life and you should flow with it. and not against it. when you try to live in the past and keep it. it's useless and impossible. Your task is to come to the realization that no person can determine your life's path.
When a change begins in one area of your life. A bigger dynamic hand is moving you to your next phase. If there is a disruption. it is only allowed to fulfill the plan in your journey because it is the right moment.
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