I do not want to belong to a community where being kind is a sign of weakness. Mathew McConaughey
Kindness is showing empathy to your fellow beings to have a victorious moment. The feeling of fulfillment comes by doing good to another.

The journey of life has become a rat race. Everyone who does not achieve a level of achievement within an age bracket is a failure. So with this in mind, everyone had turned to a bully one way or the other. You ought to take a risk in helping another person even if you are not getting it back.

Firefighters saw a woman running into their station. With a baby in her hands convulsing. Immediately the man starts running towards her. While at resuscitation of the baby. Another Firefighter followed suit. Everyone wants to help. This is the world I want to belong to. The Way we find fulfillment is by doing good to one another.

You have to be confident in yourself. And your ability before you can help another. When you look back to that teacher in high school, who helped build your confidence. You will carry that name around for the rest of your life. Some even take time to look for them and compensate.

Kindness is contagious. When you show kindness to a person. The other watching will want to do it to another person. It spreads and it makes one feel good.

Kindness does not mean you do it to people, only when you want something back from them. No one will trust your gesture. It's like the politicians that chose to distribute tokens to the masses. With the hope of buying their votes. This is not Kindness.

While you are waiting to get a job, you can help as a volunteer in a charitable organization. You are not hoping to get paid but that goodness will come knocking back looking for you. Kindness is never a loss, it's a credit.
