If an organization does not have structure and system it will collapse and it's a matter of time. There should be undying commitment toward what you hope to see in years to come. The Catholic church has been in existence for over two thousand years ago. is known to be the most organized. Also, the protestant church of England.
The organization you have sleepless nights over, the system you wake early and sleep late for. if you refuse to set order and structure. It will stop existing, gasped for breath. You have an organization where the founder is the Alpha and Omega. The Administrator. the accountant. The director and the security department are all controlled by the same man.
No company survives without no structure. When you do not define functions, you begin to define offices. You killed the system. When there are no lines of authority, you do not create who answers to who and to what. The company will fizzle out.
I heard that many black families-owned companies hardly survive the third generation. After the founder's handover before they collapsed. It is so because there is no order. No structure. They paid themselves salaries according to their needs not according to the structure. Nobody wants to be accountable. We do not go through a process.
Church organizations should wake up. We will soon get to the state where we as charismatic and pentecostal. If we refuse to set order and follow the order the church will die after the founder has gone. Let there be open accountability to functions defined to you. The office should not get glorified but the functions you carry out.
Titus 1:5. If the apostles do not set order and keep managing the table the church will not survive. They get themselves committed to the word. and leave the helpers to keep distributing food. Act 16 4 -5. The increase came out of order.
What do you want to see in your family? What do you want your children to keep on with? Which structure do you put in place after you have long gone? Will prayer and faith not fizzle out in your family very soon, even right in your lifetime?
You need to put structure and order in place. Everyone should know their duties and responsibility towards the family. It is not automatic. You set the order.
It is a lot of hard work to set the order. It takes accountability and a well-defined life structure. before you can have a family structure. Organizations that keep people who have lost their touch in a position for life will die very soon. When you allow emotions to drive your purpose. You lose the fire and your relevance.
Monday set the tone for the week.
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