Where one million worth of deals came from, a hundred million can also come. The womb that brings a baby is capable of producing more. The sales of yesterday from the shop can also bring bounty sales today. The life that produces favor can yield many favors. It is not over, it is not close.
The one that opens the gate and the great door is alive forevermore. Do not limit your scope, your heavens upon you are Limitless. Let the power for this week come to us like the wind. come like the rain, come like the fire, we are ready. Set the faith in motion that great grace might abound.
I noticed Monday always sets the tone for the week. For business and professionals. whether the deal will scale through. It opens the day for target setting. It opens good sales for market people. It's a day to get good negotiating Power. Monday set the tone for great things to happen.
If someone gets a query on a Monday morning. The week seems spoiled or tarnished because you begin to think of how to reply. You will be set back or not. All your mind will be on the subject. All your effort to get new clients or push the boundaries will get limited because you have a query to answer.
You can imagine if your car developed a hitch on Monday morning. when you're supposed to meet up with a particular client and close or open a conversation on a deal. It might make the day go sour.
You can win this Monday and every other Monday. WHY? It happens that your friend. neighbor. colleague. business acquaintance or the next shop beside you got great customers today. which means the angel is in your neighborhood and you can ask for yours.
Life has taught us to know that it is not over until you say it's over. And even if it is over another season begins. So it's only when you throw in the towel that is when the bell goes off. My brother does say where a NO answer comes from there is also a YES there.
Let this– Monday set the tone for the week.
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