There is a time and season in life. You go through overwhelming situations that put you on edge and make you cry your eyes out. It's a dark hour that will pass.

Everyone's dark moments differ. I have seen how a shift at the bend can make good friends begin to set apart. Friends that have been coming together for years. Have to find their path because an occurrence requires them to take another turn.

It might even be a setback. It's painful and tears the eyes. In all these, You do not cry alone. Choosing to be alone can destroy the will to rise again. It can mentally put you in shape that deteriorates into a bad sickness.

There is always going to be someone more experienced. Knowledgeable. That has gone ahead in this race. Teachers are not scarce. Finding a good one that listens to you is crucial. Being put together and seeing asking for help is not a weakness. It's a big lie. You chose to accept and walk in.

Talking to someone in the trust will relieve a lot of stress. To open up to superior officers with more experience and compare notes. It will save you and the company a lot of loss and embarrassment.

With the manager that supervises people. For you. It will be d.ifferent. You will need to open up if you are struggling. You will do yourself a lot of good if you do not bottle up all the team challenges in the name of wanting to be a hero. There is that one mentor—that friend, an experienced colleague that you can call on when you feel overwhelmed. Report the facts as it is with the team and how you cannot cope.

No matter how horrible the trouble might look. It cannot be out of a world occurrence. The solution starts with targeting to take a step one at a time. You might need to vent your steam on something that will take your mind off it. And sit with a clear head to find the solution.

Embrace your feelings. It is ok to feel. Rise and go and find someone and talk. If you meet someone at the corner crying, learn to put your hand at the back to help out. No one should CRY ALONE.
