Love is an intent emotion that gives an intimate feeling. It takes a lot of thought into your emotions before you declare that you love a thing or another person. Loving your job does not concern the job but the people you work together. It is the responsibility of leaders to ensure the environment is conducive to work. Trust and looking after each other back should be paramount.
You come to terms with whether you want to pursue your career goal or the course of your existence. Working and waking up with people every day should be to inspire other people to inspire themselves to be better. You will grow to outlive what you do because you will make people love what they are doing.
When you leave competition out of your goal as a leader, the team's success becomes your success. You will desire to have their back at all times. You will not throw them into the woods. As a Leader, you must create a trusting environment in your corporation, That makes people love to come back each day to work.
You will find fulfillment in your job as you start to lend help to see that other departments get to fulfill their target. You look out for them, helping them to achieve their goal. There is a joy that will well up inside and makes you feel fulfilled, though your job is yet to get accomplished.
Loving a job has become a necessity. Statistics have it on the record. that parents who come back home every day from the job they hate will tell on the children who tend to become a bully. The bully will overrun the mates and create fear and an act of wickedness toward another.
Then there comes the parent who goes to work he hates every day. Such one becomes lonely. Bottle up every bad energy and ends up becoming a toxin. that build up sickness and diseases that result in death
Do more with what you have. You need to stop looking for what you do not have. You will need to stop complaining about how you do not enjoy your job. Use your skill to solve problems that might not even get related to you. Whatever you do for others. God will make others do for you.
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