Amid a fierce war in Baghdad, a man was losing his daughter to an illness. It was clear that the hospital had given up because they felt there was nothing they could do anymore.

The Muslim man left for the American military base to ask the chaplain to come and pray for the daughter. The Americans were not allowed to go outside the military camp because of how terrible the situation had become.

While still talking to the chaplain. The family of the man from Baghdad came and said not to bother the chaplain anymore because his daughter was already dead. The chaplain then turned his face to him and said I know a Jesus that died for three days and was brought to life by the power of God.

He told the man to go to the hospital and pray over the daughter in the name of Jesus. The man did that for the daughter to rise. Pastor Matt Brown's uncle was a colonel in that battalion that was in Baghdad at the time. So you might know the story was true because he narrated it.

Power creates an opportunity for the Lost to get saved. The confused to see, the unbeliever to believe, and the backslider to appreciate what he has. The power of God cannot get contested. It cannot also get denied or misunderstood. The power of Jesus always proves that he is the solution and the only way.

The disabled man that begs at the beautiful gate got healed through Peter and John using the name of Jesus. The man walked. The power creates an opportunity for Peter to preach the gospel. Three thousand get added to the church. There was an excellent opportunity for Peter to grab it and use it for christ.

You need power that makes available an opportunity for you to win a soul today. You can desire that which Jesus has already given you. Believe it and take it and walk in it. If you believe, all things are possible for them that believe. Do not waste the power. Let it create an opportunity for you and glorify Jesus. Do not leave in the deficit of his power when you are already credited. PRAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS TODAY.
