My parents are always praying, so I have no problem. Our pastor has to pray. I have a backup prayer team that ensures my ministry will continue to bubble. Ohh!! The nation is getting prayed for, so we can relax and not pray. Let those who are into it do it. These are some of our assumptions.

Mordecai told Esther you are in the palace for a time like this. If you keep silent now, God's relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place. You and your father's house will not escape the destruction coming. Esther agreed to see the king even if it became the end of her. So be it.

I pondered over the conversation and imagined it for a minute. WHAT IF NOBODY PRAYS? These and more are the consequences.

God's blessings will be hanging over the Jews. They might end up perishing at that moment.
They will get trampled on by the enemy.
Destiny will get averted.
God's desire for them will remain a dream, not a reality. Freedom for the whole race will get delayed.
The generation to come will get lost.
God's time will get drawn back.
If nobody prays, people will suffer.
The children of God that ought to be the kings will walk on foot while the enemies will ride on horses.
Authority will be in the wrong hands.
The righteous will live afraid and frustrated.
Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness to the people. Then revelation, direction, wisdom, and light to walk in will cease.

Repair your altar of prayer today, and stop depending on someone else. You get to build your altar and live by the word so that you get fulfilled. Wake up to the reality that others will pray for themselves and their families before you.

Things are going wrong in nations and lives because we that are supposed to pray are sleeping. Take your position and do your part. Do not leave it for another person.

You might get surprised that God depends on you. Because if nobody prays, his plan will not get fulfilled or delayed
