When you get asked, how are you? The quick answer is to declare being good. But as long as you decided to be mean to that junior staff, colleague, or the gate man that offended you. In case you are still furious with your boss that refuses to approve your increase. As long as you refuse to let go and be at peace. You are not feeling fine at all.

Do you know what the Almighty said in Isaiah 43:25
I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.

God does not want to keep your burden of sins. Because God is too good to keep your past with him, he needed to do exploits in your lives. He blotted out your sins. If they are as red as scarlet, they will get washed and be as white as snow.

And if you are keeping the wrongdoings of others, the inability of your friends to meet up. You keep tabs on offenses that need retaliation. Then when will you have time for the new thing the Lord is doing? He said BEHOLD!!!! I am doing a NEW THING.

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing new things; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

It is through your spirit you can touch the Spirit of God. How can you perceive when you are angry and bitter? Plotting revenge.

The time of official appraisal is here. Do you see it as a time to retaliate or applaud your team with good grades?

The Almighty forgives for His sake. Who are you to hold another in unforgiveness? Doing good and being a better person is for your sanity and well-being.

You might be opportune to be in the management girl. Use your position to improve the lot of your team.

You get to be on that sick bed because your heart is sick of your wrongdoing. Your joy and peace get deprived. You only need to take a turn around. And you will be merry again.
