When you see an expert driver driving and one familiar with the area, and also knows the route of the environment for a long time. You will see the beam of light on the face that radiates confidence and energy. It is because the driver knows the route, knows where the curves are the bends,

Such drivers will even be aware of the happenings and the new changes that have taken place recently. The driver can tell the new store that gets opened, the bad traffic light, and the bump on the road that got fixed.

And when such a person takes the wrong bend gets so angry and feels stupid. Such one will shout at self also whosoever cares to listen. Can you imagine I have been coming here like forever, yet I still make the wrong bend?

So are you when you decide to be the driver of your life. You thought you had it all lined out from birth, organize and save money for every turn and bend of life you will get taken.

Here is the truth, it is Jesus the most beautiful. He will surprise you with the most calculated plan ever. He knows the coordinates of your life. He was the wisdom before life began, and all things consist of Him. Nothing gets made that became made without the master.

What stand are you taking about men and situations? Life Plan and its modification. Stop there. You thought you knew men, Wait and let the heart of men get revealed to you. You will get flabbergasted. Or you have the coordinates of this year in your hand. You know the bends to take, the "I" you must dot, the "T" you must cross. Relax.

Trust the BEAUTIFUL ONE WHO WAS THERE WHEN IT WAS BEING PUT TOGETHER FOR YOU. JESUS HAD WISDOM BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. You might miss it all through last year. Trust Again, Trust afresh. Don't be corny. You might have missed the curves and bends like that expert driver. Trust saves time, money, and energy.

Surrender today. You might think because you walked through last year without being Born Again. You got all your List checked.

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is in your life? For you are a mist that appears for a bit and then vanishes.James 4:13

You do not delay your salvation till tomorrow because you do not know what tomorrow has in store. There is an invitation from the Lord. COME.
