A dear person and a chip from the block of fashion statement once said. I do not understand a female passing by, and you do not feel a sense of aura that breeds beauty and confidence. It gets a waste of God's nature and the attention put into it.

Recreation is a work of art. It is the ability given to humans. To be able to turn an awkward situation or scene into a paradise that is worthy of emulation.

Your first process of recreation is coming to terms with your need for one. That your style, approach, and lifestyle would need a recreating. When you no longer appeal to or impact your world anymore.

It is self-conscious. You must be a leader that reads to accumulate knowledge. that will benefit your followers. Dream big. The reading and research, you make, seek, and sit under more knowledgeable people.

It pays off to stand out above other players on that stage, which means you know what the other actors do not know and have the skill to play it better. Do not be a number in your team but a catalyst that stirs the waters, one who proffers solution and clarity.

Change your style and your wardrobe if possible but do not conform. Be distinguished in brains and looks. Know your onions. Study to show yourself approved, a workman that needeth not to be a shame dividing the word of truth. Stand for something, do not fall for everything.

You are the leader that can change the course of history for the better. Learn to create suspense, but unfold your cards in a way that heightens their dramatic effects.

Know how to be all things to all men. As you are the Leader, learn to be that servant leader. Be that friend whose shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. Learn to play many roles to be whatever the moment requires of you. Your creativity has no end.
