I AM WONDERFUL I DO the WONDERs of the world
Wonder is an act of the heavens that throws men reasoning into disarray. It is an action from the highest that reduces humanity's wise plans into nothing that counts but foolishness.
I am lovely and do wonder. The wonder of God gets the wisdom of men confounded. I am beautiful and do wonder, the omnipotent. The only God that needs no man to help in showing his wonder.
I am wonderful. I do wonder about men. He rests upon a novice and makes a wonder of such. He empowers the un-skill to perform the wonder of the earth. He chose men of no recognition, with no reputation, no stature, breath on them, and the most magnificent temple of our time got built.
He breathes upon fishermen and makes them Fishers of men, soul winners, and healers of diseases. God turned them into people to look for. The Gamaliel of the world got confused when they heard the fishermen speak. He asked if this was Peter and to know how he became an orator. Another said they have been with Jesus.
The master of the universe moves, and the animal speaks and pleads to get cast into the sea. I am wonderful. I perform the wonder for the world to see. God takes the world's insignificance and causes them to sit with kings and princes. People ask who this" money mix road" that is talking about. When the wonderful chooses, it looks as if nature mixes its destination.
Among the gods whose like you, glorious in holiness and fearful in the praises, always do his wonder Hallelujah.
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