At times, a perfect life and a fantastic journey need to get disrupted to skyrocket you from a level to a better and higher level. Some crazy changes might need to take place to redirect the step and give you a purpose for living.

When the scale of a relationship weighs high toward one person, the required inputs fall more on one than the other. The keeping it together might be on only one person's plate. If there comes a disruption to re-aligning of such, it will be deserving.

Everyone looks forward to a smooth sail in the journey of life. No one wants failure or disappointment. But failure is a disruption that propels you into a deeper look, Providing another way of doing something better.

Most times, disruption in process and rules enable the founder to discover new ways and more intelligent methods to achieve the goals.

The angle at which you look at things might be why you judge them. One person sees the cup overflowing, another sees it half full, and another sees it empty. These and more might be the purpose why you live.

A sack letter from your organization to you might be a failure to career achievement. You can also see it as a setback in your income, a hope delay, or averted. From another point of view, it might be a time to evaluate your achievements. to help you enrich or improve yourself. And enable you to launch your career and project for better opportunities

It might also be a redirection of your purpose. Also, it's given you a chance to correct the wrong. You are not to conclude that the end of your journey is here. At times, disruption could save your life from breaking down and burnout.

A perspective on how you view life and success must be refreshing, not burdensome. You must know this is part of the journey and will never be permanent. Wake up and give your life meaning by being proactive, positive, and focused. Embrace any disruption with the mindset of reviving and redirection. Success is lurking around open up.
