The story is about the 9/11 incident. The record states that the perpetrator planned to cause havoc and division of the people. It was because the people already had biased opinions about the government.
Unfortunately, the impact the incident created was that New York was free of crime. People became empathetic towards one another.
Is it then right to say? Some levels of haters are welcome. This episode will make you appreciate your good friends and wish them well. You start to see the good in men as a virtue that must not missed. You will love the people who love you with your whole heart.
What did the enemy do to you? You grow up to realize that you need to give your effort the best shot you can. The enemy that sows thorns gets allowed to grow with the good seeds. After some growth, the plants get recognized and are easy to uproot.
Tough times never last, but strong people do. Life experiences are with ups and downs. A man with much understanding and focus knows it is a matter of time before the season will change.
Someone who is planning potholes for another. does not understand the strength made available for the victims. The victims might fall, and that person will learn a better route to take henceforth so as not to fall into the same pit. You create a strong being with an experience to learn from and a teacher to others.
It is a false sense of accomplishment to the one who is an enemy. But to the one who gets attacked, move higher from being naive to being smart. The enemy is insecure, while the victim becomes focused and success-driven. The enemy is reduced to nothing and has a poor mindset. While the one who got attacked gets a skill set that has value and believes it needs to get honed.
Every problem is a blessing in disguise. It all depends on which angle you are looking at it. Your disappointment is real. But the pain will breed in you an understanding of improving yourself. It created an energy to build up the capacity to handle more challenges.
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