The way you give honor to any individual that you come across in life matters a lot. It is either you acknowledge the God in them or not. The people in your space get to have an understanding of their importance in their community.

Every human creature deserves honor. It nurtures the essence of their creativity. It applauds them for their contribution to humanity. So everyone, both old and young, is to get honored.

What honor does to man is inexplicable. You will be prompt to improve the quality of life you live. You grow daily because of the honor bestowed on you and your talents.

There is a generation that has become self-consumed. This attitude makes such ones see things from a high level. Their boldness is so strong they will not agree to the reason to give honor to whom it's due because they become proud.

Honor is reciprocal. When it gets given, you get to receive it too. It is suitable for you to recognize the good in your brother. Acknowledge the gifts endowed in your team members. Accepting these, you will honor them and give room for them to take the floor.

Honor gives a place for no competition. There is no reason for anyone to envy each other's success. When you honor your worker's hard work and contribution, you make their welfare becomes your concern.

You cannot overemphasize honor. It brings out the best in every man. It turns the weakest in the link to pick up self and be conscious of becoming better. It stirs up the glory imputed in you from the beginning. You need to be that one who helps another man become great by giving honor but not beating him down.


  1. Thanks and God bless you for all your messages ma, Amen ๐Ÿ™.
    May the Almighty God continue to increase you in wisdom, knowledge and in understanding to do more in Jesus Name, Amen๐Ÿ™.
    Do enjoy the rest of your day in Jesus Name, Amen๐Ÿ™.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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