The reward one is calling for profiteering while you're busy. Also, know you have twenty-four hours in a day. He knows your work is taking the best hours of your existence. If you're self-employed, doing yours, take it further.
Work has dignity and promotes man's confidence. It helps you define your existence and value. It ought to help you appreciate in whom your existence lies. We forget the one that causes our heart to pump, the one who holds the life in his hand.
We forget that existing and living are his and nothing made except he made them. Our waking and sleeping depend on the flow of oxygen. That comes through the plants created for such a purpose.
You might be earning in dollars, millions of naira, living the best life in material possessions. But that is not your reward. It is the announcement from your maker that says, WELL DONE FAITHFUL SERVANT. Come and live with me forever in my HEAVENS. That is the reward you should be waiting for.
In your busy schedule, he wants to do business with your being. Making the other fellow in your group or path know the JESUS. It is a fact that Jesus gives you life, brains, health, and insights into solving issues you pride in. There is more profit around you than you can imagine.
How busy can you be when you take no holidays and no breaks? He still owns your energy and strength. Even in that, you can boast of Him being the backing behind your ability. Make a profit from it all.
His goodness is everywhere after you. Make Profit from it all to His Glory.
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