Organizations have this slogan. We love feedback. Some went about with questionnaires for users to let them know how they were doing. Appropriating feedback will enable organizations to understand. How well, their products and services are being accepted in the market?
How well is the product meeting the need it was set out to do? Is the product competing well? These are all constructive feedback.
Leaders ride on the Feedback given by fans and opponents. This is what gives their leadership meaning. It should be a mark to know whether they are progressing or not. It should be a sign to help advance their visions and give their people meaning.
But what is true about Feedback is that you want it as an organization to come how you would like to receive it. You do not want it to go as opposing your beliefs and purpose.
So we realize feedback is not accepted in good faith. Recommendations and suggestions are often waved aside because it's rubbing off the ego.
Leaders and organizations. They believe that their mode of operandi is the best. This makes organizations disregard feedback. The request needs to tally with the response. The 21st-century leaders should learn to listen and accommodate critics. It has the power to become formidable.
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