Attention is the most basic form of expression of love. Undivided attention is a gift given. when you are completely involved in helping people and showing you care.
Attention has now become a scarce commodity. We are joggling between jobs. only to have two or more slides open on a laptop while talking to someone. which already means divided attention.
A gift of time is the most important thing you give someone. A moment to help someone pack goes a long way and shows tough love when another is down. Time the teacher spent with the challenged students. These times are peculiar and important.
Being attentive has saved a lot of danger. Many have been safe from suicidal action because you gave your time to be there. Many road users get delivered from accidents too.
To give attention even when you do not have words goes a long way. You get connected and identify with the hurt person. You helped them to confront their fears and build faith in them.
You need to leave social media for a while. And give attention to the world around you because you might be saving a life.
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