My mother tells us to cut the neighbor's lawn, which has outgrown the yard. Most of the time I will ask why, he is paying us. Did he request for it to get cut? But my mother will declare that the outgrown lawn will harbor rats and other insects.
And that if we do not take care of it whether the neighbor requested it or not. Those rats will find their way into our house and we will become the victim of his negligence. I will grumble and go and do it but never get satisfied. This is the saying of Noah Trevor.
Consideration is an attitude that helps save a lot of havoc on life. properties, relationships, and others. Taking into account other factors that can build and establish. Having considerations before making some decisions will help form a good opinion.
If in society you take into consideration your co-citizens. the members of your organization. members of churches, and neighbors before you put some actions in place. Life will be sweet.
Ability to consider others. Consider that your tax income deduction is used in providing society. infrastructure and amenities. You would not go about vandalizing it. No one will think of embezzling what belongs to a nation and its citizens.
It's a great weapon that we ought to arm ourselves with. The sense of being considerate will position you to become the best of you. The act of selfishness will end up aborted.
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