The more you focus on the emptiness of life, the more you will not see the fullness of it. Focus is a powerful thing. When you choose to focus on the negative aspect of the situation. everything becomes impossible. You won't be able to see the way out
The focus is to give in-divided attention to a course. In doing this you get your senses faculty to be at the attention to responses that come from the object of Focus.
Focus on the wrong object creates fear and changes your confession. It will limit your aspiration or reduce it to nothing all because of your state of mind. It also gives no room for expansion because when you focus on the wrong, you refuse to prepare for an increase.
Focus is an act that inputs a mastery ability into a person. When you do continuous and full concentration on a matter. After a while, you become an expert or have the know-how ability.
It is important to change the gaze of your focus if it is impairing your faith and belief. You have the willpower to change. Take a turn and give yourself a positive redirection.
Focus is powerful. Never allow yourself to get emptied of having a life-changing, transforming focus.
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